Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bacon Shell Tacos

This recipe is almost word-for-word from Nick over at Dude Foods. I decided to give this a try for Father's Day this summer as tacos are one of Wonder Dad's favorite foods. And we had both been missing his favorite crispy treat. Sure, we had been enjoying some nice spicy lettuce wraps, but it just wasn't quite the same experience. So when I saw these instructions on the Dude Foods blog, I knew I had to give it a try.

To say that this dish was a success is such an understatement. Right then and there, Wonder Dad and Wonder Boy alike, put in their "order" to have these as their special meal on their birthdays!

So ... without further ado, I give you the

Bacon Shell Tacos

Stuff You Need:
  • bacon
  • kabob sticks
  • pint-sized mason jars

What To Do:
  1. Preheat oven to 400F degrees.
  2. Create square bacon weave. I used 6 strips across and 6 strips down.
  3. Place in oven and bake for about 15 minutes.
  4. This is the point where I diverge from Nick's instructions. Nick shaped his square weave into a circle, like a traditional taco shell. I didn't feel like going to all that trouble, so I simply sliced mine in half, making 2 rectangles.
  5. Place your mason jars on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum and balance your kabob sticks between them.
  6. Hang the bacon rectangles over the kabob sticks that are balanced across the mason jars and return to the oven for another 10 minutes, until bacon is cooked to desired crispness.
  7. Remove from oven, stuff with your favorite taco meat or fajitas, and top with fresh salsa or pico de gallo.

It has simply AMAZED me how well these hold their shape! And unlike a crispy corn taco shell, when you bite into it, it doesn't crumble all over your plate.

However, with the fat & salt content of the bacon so high, this is not a dish I would label "healthy" and thus this is only a go-to for super special occasions around here. So it is with great anticipation we flip through the calendar, looking for days that are "Bacon Taco Worthy."

On what special days would you break out this incredible treat?

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